An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

omne trium perfectum...

Alan was back at the dentist today so she could check on his mouth ulcers.  

He still says his mouth is sore but with the help of a doze of diazepam to relax him enough to let her look in his mouth, she was able to tell us that the massive ulcer on the inside of his left cheek is still there but smaller than it was (she's still convinced it was caused by him accidentally biting his cheek) the one on the inside of his right cheek is almost gone and the smaller ones along his bottom lip are virtually gone.  Good news.  She will see him again in two weeks just to keep an eye on things.

When he returned from the dentist Grandpa and Norma were here but he was so sleepy from the diazepam he fell sound asleep in his wheelchair.  We had coffee and cake then once he had woken up they went through and sat with him for a while.  He was so happy to see them (and they him.  It's a mutual admiration society :-)

A straightforward dinner of steak pie from the butcher, David's creamy mash and carrots, followed by berry crumble and custard went down well.  No crumble for me though as it gives me heartburn.  Took my first omeprazole this morning and it's certainly helped.

An evening of chat and catching up with J & N.  They are so funny, like a double act :-))  They are staying over so Alan was delighted to know he would see them for a little while tomorrow too.

Got notified today that our friend Gill's funeral is next Thursday.  We have my friend Fiona's dad's funeral on Tuesday.  Hope that's the last of the funerals for a while.

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