All round goodness

I do feel better today, not proper normal but it'll do for now. Well enough certainly for a nice almond croissant and coffee with my mum.

For the first time ever, I woke up this morning wanting to make a coffee and walnut cake. No idea why, it is a cake I rarely choose. However, I couldn't ignore it do so I came home to make tomato soup, strawberry jam from a few scabby strawberries (that always makes me so happy) and then the cake. The cake is actually a bit of a sunken, slightly undercooked disaster but that is what icing is for.

Will's reading book this week says "Will reads very well" - I thought he would get type of comment when he was ten or eleven, so am very proud.

And daisies here for Daisy who has done her week of tests without batting an eyelid, she's a good girl.

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