Place: Largo, FL 62/81
Main activity: Wed - Organizing, pool, kitchen, class
Notes: Woke quite early and couldn't go back to sleep. Did qigong and got on with my day. A bit of work for Jo, went to the pool, packed a bunch more little things that I needed small containers for, boiled some eggs for the trip and made apple scones (from the sweet potato scone recipe - tho they didn't hold together as well). At the pool, I suddenly noticed the scars on my feet from the fire ant stings - I had forgotten about them and hadn't been able to see them again until today ... odd. And today is 4 yrs since Larry's passing - talked to Jen for awhile on Signal. Class at 4p tho lots of video and audio challenges and Jo kept dropping off in the beginning. Ended up going till after 630p then - was starting to get too long. 

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