Morning fog

A very foggy drive to work this morning, which looked beautiful as the sun started trying to break through. Trouble was, we ended up in horrendous traffic so the journey took far too long this morning and we were late arriving on campus. Very annoying - I thought we’d got rid of all the roadworks now.

Spent a couple of hours this morning at the small library in the Meteorology department (this shot taken walking across campus to get there). A couple of my team spend some time each week supporting the librarian there so I was keen to go and see what they get up to. A very interesting visit. I’m really surprised a small library like this still has its own librarian (although she only works 10 hours per week) but it’s a great resource for the staff and students in that department. I don’t think there’s many departments who have this provision any more.

I spent part of the evening listening to Paul practising a presentation that he’s giving about his PhD on Thursday - interesting to listen to and try and get my head around! It’s coming together very well - he’ll be glad when the presentation is over - it’s a lot of work to put together.

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