wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

First world problems

My problem? Often when I'm reading thick and unengrossing textbooks I need to shut down all my internets and turn off my computer so I won't be tempted. But I also like to have music playing so the little neighbourhood sounds around me don't get distracting. It's been quite a crisis, let me tell you. But no more, for today I splashed out on an 'essential' new toy. I say splashed out. I got the cheapest available with what I needed, but so far it seems to do everything required.

I needed something that would:
- show a clock for the middle of the night
- have a radio, preferably with auto tuning
- play my iPhod
- be within my fairly small budget
- not sound like a tin can.

I went looking and the pickings were quite slim, but I knew I just had to bite the bullet and get something - I can dither about this kind of thing for weeks and weeks, it's best just to get something and be satisfied with it. So I ended up in John Lewis (after looking everywhere else I could think of, kinda like Myer for Australians), and after talking to a couple of sales people I ended up with this one. I wasn't fussed about getting digital radio, I don't know how long I'll be using this for anyway, but this was the only one that fitted all the requirements. So far so good. The buttons are very clicky, and the sound quality isn't high end, but it's better than some. And the button combinations to set presets and things aren't as illogical as expected. And it accepts and charges my iPhone THROUGH its case! Usually the plug bits aren't long enough to cope with that.

So whoop! As an added bonus it fits with today's challenge of music!

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