Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

I've found Bigfoot!

For twenty years I've been going down to the woods. In twenty years I've seen plenty of little birds, some ducks, herons, voles, squirrels, rats, and deer tracks.
I've seen plenty of deer tracks, spoke to people that say they have seen deer, but I have never actually seen one!
I was beginning to think it was like Bigfoot! A mystery, a myth, a legend.
But not anymore... Today I decided, in the bid to make the scales move in the right direction again, to run rather than walk. Was running down the path when I saw something on the path ahead of me, thinking it was a large dog I carried on until it turned and I literally stopped in my tracks! I WAS A DEER
By the time I got my camera and whispered to sprout to come to me , it ran off.
We ran in the direction it went but it had gone,my first ever encounter over.
I rang K to tell him, I was so pleased.
The walk / run carried on and we ended up by the river. After a quick play we started walking back up the path and low and behold, it was there again way in the distance on all it's glory. Camera in hand it moved but I did manage to get this before it disappeared!
Honest I know this blip could match the realms of blurry Bigfoot photos or fuzzy Loch Ness monsters but it was a deer.
It made my day!!

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