
By MrsFred


Today Hayley handed all this in, and she actually cried a little with relief. It's the sketchbooks to go with the four final pieces of art she's done over the last two years. I'm very proud of her, she begged us to appeal to the school when she took her options so that she could take Art as an extra subject in her free time alongside some very tough options, History, Spanish and Triple Science. They pulled their faces, and have made it as difficult as possible for her over the last two years. She's got into grief with her other subject teachers when she's had to make tough calls regarding which revision classes to miss to do her art, she's been ignored by the teachers, kept out of the loop, but still gone to school every evening and every holiday day that has been available. Now she's produced some brilliant work, and is actually one of the only ones to have completely done, and that's up against the kids who took it in school time!! I'm busting with pride at her stubborn, solid work ethic, and I truly don't care what grade she gets in this, it's A all the way for me xxx

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