
Amelia was off school today so that scuppered any plans to go anywhere as #1 said he was going to IKEA in the afternoon. He didn't.

I did some work in the morning. Even started on next year's budget. Amelia had perked up by 11 and we played a traditional game with approximate rules involving marbles and pits. She won, twice.

2 Covid tests were fine - negative. Interesting that the local ones are saliva tests. A probe like a thermometer under and on the tongue. Very easy and non invasive. They have one more like UK ones I think, given free on arrival in Taiwan.

In the afternoon Olivia and I went to the pool for a good while. Amelia was barred. I found a couple of 'local boys made good' in the reading room. 

A meeting with SWA during a thunderstorm and my connection dipped out a couple of times.

#1 son made dinner. Mediocre and he broke the handle of my mug by doing his usual over the top dumping of stuff in the sink. He has made shelves up the wall for Kitty. She didn't seem impressed.

Later we sat and talked, I drank too much beer and answered some staff related work emails. And then later to bed.

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