Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Another gray day

The amount of rain here is really getting annoying. We have seen the sun for about a week now and it is beginning to drive me nuts. I feel the worst for Mrs TMG who is stuck inside with the rambunctious little TMGs. Don't get me wrong, they are fantastic and I love them to death, but the energy level can get unbearable when they are cooped up for extended periods of time. Here's hoping for nicer weather this weekend!

In today's detour, I drove down a seldom visited side street and saw two horses. They were handsome fellows and very friendly. As I walked to the paddock, they meandered over to say hello and get their nose scratched. I was more than happy to provide some quality scratching while blipping. It was a bit troubling when one of the horses started to eat the fence, and I was wondering whether he was trying to bust out and follow me home for more nose scratches. He obviously had no idea that I had 30 miles (48 KM) to drive and no room for him in the car! We departed close friends and I look forward to visiting again.

I like this shot because of the story behind it and because I like horses. This fellow was blipworthy given his nice demeanor and I decided to compose the shot on his head and neck.

Finally, I will not have Internet access over the next few days and so look for back blips next week. Have a great weekend everyone!

Darkened window frame in background using a separate layer, painting over frame in black and then reducing the opacity of the layer
Clone stamp layer to remove tiny piece of horse's body

Constructive criticism always welcome

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