Ruin Bank Wood

We took the train in to Leeds this morning.  Tony headed off in search of trousers and I took out my list.  First I had to 'pop in to the bank' to sort a credit card issue.  I went backwards and forwards between the old bank and our new building society for the next half an hour and came away with the issue unresolved.  It certainly reinforced why we made the change as Annette in NBS did her utmost to sort out the problem whilst the customer service person in the old place gave me the impression she just wanted me to go away.

I thought Tony must be wondering where I had got to as I set off to Bravissimo.  Another half an hour and excellent fitting service from Laura and I came away very happy with my purchases, and recrossed the centre to find Tony in Waterstones where we had a cuppa.  Next was Nepresso to stock up on coffee and Up and Running for some running tights and we were back on the train.

After lunch I joined Angela down in the village and we took a walk through Ruin Bank Wood and back across the golf course and through St Ives Estate.  At the end of this month the section of the Estate nearest to our house will be closed off during the week whilst felling takes place as a result of the virus which is still killing the larches and sweet chestnuts.  I am dreading seeing what the woodland will look like when the felling has finished.  It's one thing to have the rhododendrons cleared as they have opened up the wood, but the loss of trees on a large scale is very sad indeed.

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