All about the light

Today was all about the light. 

I am enjoying watching the sun rise each morning - this was taken  just before the sun gradually appeared in the centre of the photo. I posted this one though as I love the colours and how they blend sea and sky.

I decided I wanted to stay here today and make the most of the light to get on with stitching and reading. Gordon went off to do this own thing and I just stayed here. 

The first extra is the view from the kitchen window - I can sit at the table with everything I need, the sun streams in and I can keep an eye on what is going on. Today it was quite entertaining as three guys put up the scaffolding on the block of flats across the road - they had to winch up every plank for the flooring. I have no idea what is going to be happening with the building.

The second extra is from the front of the apartment, through the double doors and across the balcony. It is perfect to be able to sit here in the sunshine, with my book - light, sea and the sound of the waves. And catching the odd fragments of conversation of people walking by below. 

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