Foxy lady

HB came for the weekend to keep me company whilst V is in LA.  She’d have come even if he was here but I was glad not to be on my own for the weekend. She brought me this little glass vase which looks so funny with flowers in - like she’s wearing a daft floral hat. 

Beautiful cold sunny day. I went to Pilates first thing and then worked mainly in the house as there were plumbers to wait for and talk to.  Went on a quest for rhubarb in the late afternoon as I wanted to make Nigel Slater’s pork chop with quick rhubarb chutney but I couldn’t find any rhubarb.  I went to fancier and fancier shops before finally tracking some down in Tesco's.  There’s a lesson here…

Henry arrived in the evening and we had fun cooking together and I made martinis, just the one each.  

We started watching Elvis…I’d seen it before but wanted to show it to her but she got sleepy and in truth it isn’t a sofa movie. 

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