pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

and i can see her it can make her happy

Abrupt morning. My TA was off sick so I had to rush in to school to support one of the children with extra time with the SATs test. It was Maths Paper B, which was a lot easier than Paper A yesterday. Every year I get a bit giddy looking through the maths papers. The maths geek in me finds it all a bit too exciting!

Did outdoor learning in the afternoon with my class. Once again, it has confirmed to me that this is what I want to do as a full-time job. Two boys in my class, who are usually pretty disengaged and unable to express themselves coherently, totally blew me away today. They loved the task where they had to transport water using pipes and connectors. Although I've had a few moments like this throughout the year, they don't cease to amaze and inspire me. I need to do the Forest Schools course soon!!

The evening was fun. Made a U-turn right outside the yoga place and went to the pub instead. Suffering today...

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