
By NothingGetsLost

The swing. A very excellent rope swing that's been here and quietly maintained for years. Literally years. Adults with kids played on it as kids. It was solid. On a good healthy tree. With good ropes and sling attachment. And a good enough tyre.
Then a new FSC man took over this area.  A familiar tale from a (understandably sort of ) risk averse high profile land owner. Talks with locals, offers to look after it properly, an at your own risk sign. Non of these were enough so no more swing :( 
Except they only took the tyre.  Which round here means they basically needn't have bothered. 
Literally less than a week later, there's a stick there. And the swing is back in action. Ironically probably less safe than before cos that stick is way less solid than the tyre was! 

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