Muppet Story

Here is my gorgeous new car, sorry I didn't blip it yesterday... so now for the muppet story...

Yesterday I left work on time, excited about collecting my car. I arrived at the garage and spotted my new car straight away. Jo the Mini sales lady was also quick to spot me arrive and came out to greet me and check over my Alfa which I was part exchanging. I collected up my bag, log book, bits & pieces and headed into the showroom whilst Jo took my old car away.

We went through the paperwork, a few more signatures and then spent the next 45 minutes or so going over the controls of the new car and the on-board gadgets.
It was glorious sun when I left at the garage about 6:15, so I kept the roof down and headed off very happily on what should have been a 30 minute journey home.

Half way home the traffic was horrendous, I was stuck moving a couple of miles an hour but quite content, blaring my music with the roof down and checking out the sat nav etc.

Then I had the most scary thought... an instant fear... my muppet moment... I have left my work laptop behind the drivers seat of my old car?!?!?!? Nooooooooooooooooooooo!
By this time the garage was closed, there was nothing I could do but keep everything crossed that it would be safe and unnoticed. Last night I was not quite focused, very distracted by the stupid mistake I had made during my excitement of collecting my new car. I should have left the laptop at work.

I had a rotten nights sleep and decided to get up at 5:20 make a cup of tea and upgrade the OS on my mac and pass the time until it was time to feed Kibo, Holly & Hebe.

I called the garage on route to explain what had happened. Jo wasn't in yet, so I left a message and got to the garage about 8:30. Jo saw me arrive and smiled although inside she was thinking "what was wrong with the car". She said she was relieved when I explained why I was there as the message hadn't been passed on.
Fortunately the laptop was where I had left it and I had got to the garage in time as the dealer that had bought the car was due within 15 minutes. I am a very lucky muppet!

I have really enjoyed driving my new car today, which also makes me a very happy muppet!

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