Friday Fleur

A wee anemone basking in the unexpected sunshine!

Busy morning hoovering the lawn then out for a lovely lunch with Jay Bee. I scoffed my fish and chips as if I hadn't seen food for a week!

Home and more gardening! Please note that self control was exhibited as I did not go to the garden centre and spend £££ accidentally!

The sun was still shining by the time Mr Lif knocked off for the weekend so we had a wine in the garden then headed up the hill with the pooches. A chill wind followed us so by the time we got home a curry was just the ticket!

Chin chin...hope your sunny Friday was just lovely too x

Cut and paste comments are annoying me at the moment....10 secs since I posted this....sheesh

wow beautiufl shot5* nice colours.... gah!

Regulars - you are all lovely xx

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