
By Houseonahill6


We needed to top up our fruit so went to the Farmshop, a large selection so with some strawberries and raspberries from the Co op we should be ok for a while.
We then drove on to Beauly to get some soup and quiche from the Corner on the square. We saw the poor Wych Elm that came down recently after the bad weather.
On to Redcastle to park and drink our soup. There was no parking available when we arrived but luckily a man came back to his car so we managed to get a place and could then go for a walk.
Lots of snowdrops out on the banks of the burn and the castle looked good having surrounding bushes etc cleared. Still looks like it could fall down any minute though.The gardens have been restored too.
Watched the Rugby when we got back, both games were good :)
Watched the Brits in the evening.

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