Hanging out

Interest in rugby has been declining for the eldest, and he's found it hard to say whether he wanted to do it or not, although we suspected he hasn't wanted to for a while, but didn't want to say so.  We were all set this morning to go, but it was clear he wasn't so sure, and then did say he didn't want to and that he would rather join in the plans I had with the youngest (to go to some woods nearby). I asked him if his favourite bit about rugby was cycling there and back, and he immediately said yes and asked if he could take his bike to the woods (yes, they have lots of tracks there).  So finally we get to the bottom of it.  The only issue with the plan is that with the rest of us on foot, he was up front and 'navigating', and we're pretty sure he didn't follow the right colour path all the time, as we were out for about two and a half hours and it normally takes about an hour to do the same route! The youngest had a lovely time running around and the dog was in doggy heaven. 

Suffice to say, quiet rest of day! 

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