

A structure made from the plentiful supply of drift wood discarded along the beach at the Kumeras. Usually people construct them in the shape of a teepee and not quite as substantial as this one.

The extra photo was taken from the top of the sand bank and looking out to sea. The ‘puddle’ of water featured as part of last nights blip can be seen in the foreground. Yesterday’s photo was taken beyond where the sea can be seen lapping the shore in the distance.

As always, the comments, stars and hearts are appreciated, especially for my previous two blips. Thank you for your generosity.

Advice from National Emergency Management Office re Cyclone Gabrielle
• Severe impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle are now being seen across the upper North Island.
Red Weather warnings are in place for Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Gisborne and Taranaki, with Orange warnings for the rest of the North Island as well as the top of the South (Marlborough, Nelson and Buller).

Flooding, slips, road closures, wind damage, fallen trees and thousands of homes without power - those living in the upper North Island are having to cope with these difficult weather conditions. 

Overnight the top of The South Island, where I live, could possibly experience wind gusts up to 120km/h in exposed places and this is why these areas have now been issued with an orange warning. At present (10pm on 13th Feb) there is no noticeable increase in wind conditions and no rain either. 

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