Nature's larder

Despite our bird feeders, I do love to see birds feeding naturally. There were five blackbirds hammering their beaks on the lawn to collect worms, while this goldfinch found some seed-heads to enjoy. Not the sharpest focus, so I made a virtue of necessity and applied an art filter with 'ink outlines'. Seems to emphasise the natural look (of ageing eyesight - ha ha!)

It's been almost summery today and my gardening this morning included sucking and crunching up dry leaves. This was a job I began well before Christmas and have only just got back to as the dead leaves have dried out again. Also began tackling the pruning of a very, very overgrown rose. Managed to collect a fair few scratches even though I was wearing gloves.

Spent this afternoon with my daughter and the kiddiwinks at their house. The Young Master will be three months old tomorrow (already!) He's trying out new sounds and mouth shapes and facial expressions to go with them, all while watching our faces. It feels as if he's really trying to communicate and have a conversation, which in his own way, I suppose, he is! 

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