The worry....

I went out for a walk at lunchtime and noticed this bird’s nest.  It had been built on a branch which had fallen over and was leaning on another tree.  Maybe the angle helped the nest building, but it looked a bit of a risky location to me.  If it was my home, I think I would have been worried.
Having said that I worry about everything and anything.  I have been quite worried about the older lady down the road and have shared many of my concerns with her son via email.  He often chooses not to answer the points of worry that I raise.  He seems far less worried, even persuading her to take her car for a drive yesterday so that she can get her own shopping when needed.  Something happened last year and she stopped driving but I do not really know what.
At 83, I worry about her driving and I think she does not really want to drive, but knows she needs to do something to get out for shopping etc.  She seems under the impression that supermarket deliveries are expensive (wonder where she got that from).  I think she would struggle with the computer, so maybe not an option anyway.
She also thinks that part of the answer is to pay people to help her, I worry that she does not have the money for all the extra expense that this 'help' will cost.
I have told myself that I should worry about it less.  I can be nice and try and help where I can, but I will not go around every day just to check on her, do the shopping, cleaning etc.  She was back to the doctors today but I have had no update from her son.  Oh well, if the other neighbours hear they will let me know and I will pop around at some point to see what has been said.

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