Joe's world in picture

By joejoe80

Pretty in Pink

So much Pink in this flower bowl!!! Love it! I have to say the hotel Esmeralda is very beautifully kept and maintained!

The weather wasn't great today so we took the electric bus/train/tram thing for a spot of sightseeing. Interesting. How it managed to take that long to not really go very far still astounds me but at least we had a seat and saw pretty much all of Cala D'or. Partook in our first activity too today; Javelot. Basically is like throwing a cross between a dart and a Javelin. We were rubbish and lost both our games. But we did still win a glass of champagne for being such fun!!
The rest of the day concluded of happy hour, Cava (Note to self do not drink after a rennie as you get a mouth of foam) baguette for dinner, Hotel entertainment, Zumba, vodka, karaoke, dancing and getting into bed far too late! Had to make the most of our penultimate night though!

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