
By lg9

No travel necessary

This afternoon, the birds at work were so agitated that I had to see what the fuss was about. I did not expect a hawk to be sitting on the pole right outside the window! There went the day:)
A guy in the office below us told me that they often see this hawk right outside their office door sitting on a post and have been watching him try to get into bird nests for the past 2 weeks. He apparently also sits on this pole a lot.
So now they are coming to me! Ha!
On the down side, I left my keys outside and it took the rest of the afternoon to figure out that someone in the office downstairs had them; then I got my finger pulled into the bike chain while cleaning it and passed out (low pain/blood tolerance). I was thinking that a clean bike would make me faster tomorrow on the first race day of the season.
Mr lg9 said that I should know better than to change something before a race, i.e. why start cleaning my bike now. He raises a good point.
But, ever the optimist, I'm excited that Cooper saw me passing out on the patio and was frantically whining and pawing at the door, which led to Mr. lg9 coming to my aid. Very Lassie-ish. We might be able to put him to work yet.

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