Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

Swingy thingie

Lovely day today actually.

Mark back at work, which was rubbish but we had a good day!

Last night went well with new constant singing plan to get him to sleep. He had a good morning nap which meant I could make him some cheese and spinach muffins (super yum) as well as sort washing, empty dishwasher and even get breakfast myself! Then we shot off to try and post stuff (no joy as neither post office had any sensible packaging!) Put in our insurance cheque and see about removing the locking wheel nuts from my car.

Then he had a 2 and a bit hour nap after lunch and we only had time for a park visit and a bit of a play before dinner.

He was in such a good mood at bedtime. Kicking about on the bed and laughing at his toys. Very cute but me singing "you are my sunshine" for an hour and a half was a bit madness inducing! :)

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