Deep Purple

These are all violas from last summer which have survived in a pot at the back of my house.  The little plants are continuing to flower - though they do look a teeny bit bedraggled. I’ve cropped the straggly bits off.
Thinking about them got me thinking about Deep Purple the rock band.  When I was in the sixth form (now called years 12 and 13) we had a kind of room where we could go to sit and chat, if we didn’t have a lesson. There was also a record player - mono of course. We had 4 records to play - Deep Purple In Rock, Black Sabbath Paranoid, Led Zeppelin 1, and Santana Abraxas. Brought in by us - not supplied by the school! We all really loved this music - it was 1969 and 1970. And we thought we were so cool:)
Actually I found life quite difficult at that time.  But the music was good.

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