Meet up with Carin and Lonny.

Oops , I forgot to mention Yesterday that , whilst we were sitting on the  exposed rock , newly outcropping from the melting snow , a Golden Eagle flew overhead, only 15m ish  above our heads, close enough to see the design of its beak and the colours of its plumage . It was stunning!

Todays photo shot was taken as I stood in Sunshine on J and K’s doorstep looking down towards our holiday home . It was the palette of colours that caught my eye , fresh and clean looking . On closer inspection I spotted some of the objects which have delighted us so over the last 17 days. The sparks ,which are such fun to ride up and down on , you are never too old for a spark ride .
The hanging fire pit which has been  a happy place for us to gather as the daylight fades away to be replaced by the orange then inky skies of night time . ( no showing of the northern lights yet ).
The snow shoes which have taken us places we hadn’t previously visited in the winter months . Using them has been a fun way to strengthen leg and arm muscles. My wrists in particular, feel in better shape and then finally the shovel , propped up against the yellow house , which has been used on various mini projects .

The golden moments of the day were meeting up with J and K’s old-time friend Carin and Lonny who are warm, kind hearted, interesting and interested. We have got to know them in the years we have been visiting and its always stimulating to hang out with them for awhile.

Golden light spilled across the sky and iced estuary as we drove home at dusk, we had to pause , marvel at its beauty and take photos . They are never as good as the real thing so I try and spend longer looking and committing the images to memory .

We are now drinking tea and the travellers are contemplating as to whether it will be possible to fit all our newly acquired charity shop bargains into our cases or whether we should borrow an extra one to take home . We have paid for more bags  than we brought with us so it might be a good plan to borrow a bag .  

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