Crash landing
I saw it all happen…..this wee bird (I later discovered that it was a Siskin) flew, smack, into the kitchen window, fluttered it wings and dropped down onto the windowsill. Was it alive?…….Yes, it was shaking its head, blinking, not sure what had just happened. It sat absolutely still, hunched on the sill. I kept my distance, but able to watch it. I could see it breathing very quickly, almost panting and then it turned its head and tucked it into the feathers at the top of its wing. Oh dear, that didn’t look good. It stayed like that for some time then lifted its head and seemed to brighten up again. But it just stared into space and was still panting. Things could go either way………..
Five minutes later, it took off and flew away into the trees to live another day. Phew, sighs of relief all round!
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