Near Miss

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

After all the drama of Cyclone Gabrielle* we were feeling pretty smug today. A portion of our fence blew off. That was it. 

But at about 7pm...


I never know what it is. I guess I'm just not used to the idea of earthquakes. So I was like, "Hey... is that thunder??"

But then the house started to shake. 

To be honest, it wasn't so bad. I've felt worse. The tv didn't wobble and nothing fell off the couch. Punky was a bit freaked, but Jasper seemed pretty mellow.

But I decided to register it on GeoNet which is kind of like NZ's track 'n' trace for earthquakes. And as you can see - 



Immediately our WhatsApp blew up with messages from Team Gromit asking if we were ok. Bizarrely, they felt it way stronger than we did.

Is there such a thing as "the eye of an earthquake"??

According to Manda it felt like a truck crashed into her house. Ellie says she grabbed the kids and ran outside. Even Corrie said she felt it from her house near the airport.

"But it wasn't worth getting out of the bath for," she added.

Corrie is cool.

So that's the headline for today. Work was ok. Cats were cuddled. And we appear to have got VERY lucky.


* One of our friends had a tree crash through her spare bedroom yesterday night.

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