Pymtheg munud i'r cyfeiriad gyferbyn
Pymtheg munud i'r cyfeiriad gyferbyn ~ Fifteen minutes in the opposite direction
"Harmony is the reconciliation of opposites, not the crushing of differences.”
― Jean Cocteau
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Heddiw, es i allan am dro am bymtheg munud i'r cyfeiriad gyferbyn i ddoe. Eto, roeddwn i'n synnu pa mor bell y gallwn i gyrraedd - bron i'r Llyfrgell Ystum Taf a Gabalfa. Roedd y daith cerdded yn fwy dymunol - llai o draffig a sŵn. Nawr mae'r ddau eithaf gyda fi a dros amser rydw i'n mynd i gasglu ychydig o bwyntiau arall ar gyfer llenwi fy map. Mae'n ddiddorol i ffeindio beth sy'n bosibl mewn pymtheg munud o gerdded, a pa fath cyfleusterau gyda ni o fewn yr ardal hon.
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Today, I went out for a walk for fifteen minutes in the opposite direction to yesterday. Again, I was surprised at how far I could get - almost to the Llandaff North and Gabalfa Library. The walk was more pleasant - less traffic and noise. Now I have both extremes and over time I'm going to collect a few more points for filling out my map. It is interesting to find what is possible in fifteen minutes of walking, and what kind of facilities we have within this area.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Ffotosffer ger Llyfrgell Ystum Taf a Gabalfa
Description (English): Photosphere near Llandaff North and Gabalfa Library
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