South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


I love these little delicate flowers in our garden, which are just coming into bloom at the moment. Once again, the first few were given to me by Mum many years ago and they have really spread over the years - and look better for that as they have miniscule flowers. I was amazed at the detail in them when I did this close-up as I have never done that before! I had been for a walk around the village, but nothing took my fancy for a blip - which was just as well as I had forgotten my camera and would have needed to go back and fetch it!! My main aim was to get to the shop to buy chicken for our lunch tomorrow, so the camera went out of my mind (which is rare these days!) The weather can't seem to make up its mind at the moment, but I got some sun to take my photo.

My keyboard has finally been played when the others were out of the house yesterday. I can play a lot better when I know nobody is listening! I have also retrieved my old second-hand laptop as I can see photos on there a lot better on it than on my little netbook where I often have to scroll to see the whole thing! I am actually quite pleased with it now as it's a lot faster with the snazzy fast BT connection (we got the upgrade for free). The netbook is still being used for word processing (I haven't got Word on the other one) and for uploading photos as it has an SD slot which the old one hasn't. I could get a dongle for it though...

I'd better get started on the news sheet I suppose - another busy, but enjoyable, weekend! Hope yours is good too.

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