
Poor linc had another bad night with his awful spots that were hiding in the wrong place. So I ended up in his room again.  

The jedi and Harp had a great time together this morning playing gymnastics in the hall. She helped him for ages doing a roly poly until he could do it by himself.  

I had a busy morning at work. Two of the students got quite upset for a while. The staff are amazing and helped to settle them. One of them has seizures and had another one today.  Thankfully they come out of it ok and go back to theor normal self. It was busy for a while. 

Thankfully I had a spare set of clothes with me too as I was like a drowned rat by the time I got there. It was that stupid drizzly rain that gets you soaked. I forgot to pack spare pants though.  Hehe. 

The wildlings had a good morning with nana and grandad . They played a lot on tech so when I came home I gave them a ban for a while and did some reading with Xander.  And then they all had a play together.  

I've not long read our schools newsletter and I'm quite sad that the headteacher will be changing schools after the summer. I really feel for the staff. She has been there for over 20 years. She was one of the reasons I chose to put Xander in the school when we went to look at primary schools. She understands additional needs from a personal level as well as professional.  She will be a big loss to the school.  

Mr R is away up north today so he will be home late tonight.  

My boss says I can go in late tomorrow and work longer on my shift so I can take the Jedi to his dental appointment.  Fingers and toes and any other part of the body that can be crossed that it goes well. And he gets through the waiting room . Eek.  I'm not looking forward to it at all. 

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