Front seat top deck

A good day…started with a lovely chat with Tweedy learning all about the things to do on Orkney when I go there with Sharon143 in May (with side chats on Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation and granny talk).. Loved looking at her maps and it sounds a great mix of beaches, craft shops, galleries and tea shops-perfect!
We had to cut short our chat which we could have continued all day I suspect but a combination of them clearing out the cafe for lunch bookings and P’s GP calling me meant we had to go. The GP didn’t give me much by way of ideas for a care plan/next steps…he kept saying ‘Well he’s 94” as if that meant there was no point expecting much, so I explained that since his mother lived til she was 104 we shouldn’t just be writing him off!
Afterwards I popped into a few shops then hopped on a bus home. Made some lentil soup which I just fancied then got into the ironing and made up the beds again.
Managed to do the last of my banking admin, made some theatre bookings, chatted to KL about their planned trip up here in September and made some sea bass for supper.
Relaxing but productive day

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