Do I Dare!?

Has washing up Mountain beaten me? Do I dare take that final step & place that final piece in place?!..

Well incidentally I didn't, I'm not mad!? That's the skill with wash-up Jenga, you've got to know when to lay down your pan & call it a day.

The end of the week has finally arrived, hoorah! Both Jenny & I have had some very exciting news today - Jen has been invited back to a law firm in Brighton for a second interview for a legal job. AND, completely out of the blue & much to my surprise, I have been invited for an initial interview at a firm in Brighton as well, for a Training Contract! Shocking frankly. Funny too as I couldn't remember actually applying to them, not recently anyway (awkward!) & it was only on closer inspection of my saved files & letters that I discovered I had applied, for ANY work at all with them.. last July!

Tonight calls for celebratory bowl of nachos & a glass of cold beer. Well done us!

The journey continues.. Next stop Eurovision & the finale of Doctor Who! (please let only one of these at most be spannery, or should it be sonic screw-drivery!?) Geronimo!

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