
OH playing golf so I was a bit of a loose end.  S had told me that E was visiting with her granddaughter if I wanted to pop round.  Other people’s toddlers?  Maybe not?!   I had a nails appointment at 12.00 and it was a bit grey for a walk so decided on a swim instead.  Sad news that the gym is closing (MBC have put up the rent on the lease so yet another unit in Maidstone will stand empty).  I did 30 lengths encountering minor ‘lane rage’ at nob head swimmer who didn’t keep to his side.  

Nails then a drive to Tooting to pick up No,1 who was coming home for a few days.  In the car I had a sad call from ex colleague who is now homeless and jobless - unfortunately failing to take responsibility for his own downfall as I did hear that there had been an offer of help which he did not accept.  Not sure there will be anything I can do to help apart from moral support.  Very sad way to be treated after 17 years.

Home for dinner and Clarksons Farm - I never liked the man much but his battle with the council for restaurant approval seemed as though  NIMBY’s won the fight.

Photo is of a work in progress - wedding jars - just need to sort out the ribbon and flower height.

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