The washing dried lovely
up on the plot, now folded & stored in readiness for refilling at a later date. The contents spread on the beds. Another job done. This afternoon I shared the contents of the oldest composter between what will be the tomato bed, & the root bed. I turned the contents of the remaining compost bin. Moved the empty bin onto a piece of the allotment that is a w.i.p What do I want on the allotment that I don't currently have????? Asparagus I love but a short season? Raspberries? Mum loves raspberries. Ermm?
Earlier I walked Indie, had a bit of a tree "thing" going on this morning. Have I mentioned that I love trees. Back at Mum's, we put all the outer jigsaw pieces together while having coffee. My niece plus her 2 very lively littlies paid Mum a visit yesterday afternoon. Highly entertaining, unruly, but entertaining, apparently.
Jan picked me up from Mum's, so we popped out to BT for a coffee & catch up sat in glorious sunshine. It was so mild today. Jan & Russell are off to Costa Rica on Monday, much planning, & jiggling of luggage to accommodate the camera gear.
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