
Friday 17th February 2023

I met a friend for coffee in Skipton this morning as she was passing by on her way home. I had intended having a walk around afterwards but the wind was very strong and I felt I wanted to get on with some "work" back at base. I decided to have a walk later. 

I had some lunch and started to watch a video on mindful photography. Unfortunately I fell asleep and that was the end of the afternoon! I tried a bit of indoor photography but didn't get the result I wanted. So, inspired by Tigger101's blip of yesterday I decided to have a play. My confession is I used the photo I took in Skipton last Friday (and blipped) but this creation was definitely born today. As I was in the same place today I could have taken a similar picture. Anyway, it's Friday, which is usually my day off, so I decided all was ok. :-))

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