Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


This morning I stripped the bed and washed the bedding.  W hung it on the indoor drying rack whilst I spent some time playing in the sewing room, creating a posh sling (see extra), to try to help his painful shoulder.

I'd seen an advert outside a nearby garden centre offering 3 ten foot trees for €100.  So after lunch we went to investigate -in the rain.  The trees on the offer are mostly sold out, but they did have a large gorilla!  And they do have an excellent selection of well grown trees at quite reasonable prices, including Dawn Redwoods.  Would not have been sensible to buy today, but it was very tempting.

We came back to the apartment rather damp, and after making the bed with clean bedding, I spent an hour or so packing up the sewing room.  I'll be away from Sunday till late Friday, so it seemed sensible to pack up now.  Tomorrow I will probably do some sorely needed dusting and vacuuming in there.

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