If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Franks Bridge Kirkby Stephen

We needed some things from one of our suppliers who has their base in Kirkby Stephen.  We always make this a day trip and generally take Kanyl along with us.

Setting off in the morning allows us to get our business done before lunch.  The place we visit is very conveniently just before KS so we can then conclude the business before continuing into the town.  After our lunch I suggested we visit Franks bridge (NB the name does not have an apostrophe) as we haven't yet blipped it.  A slow stroll took us down to the river, well with three bad legs between the three of us (mine are OK) it had to be slow.

It would seem the bridge, which is a pedestrian bridge, dates back to the 17th century.  It was a "corpse lane bridge",  that is a bridge to conveniently bring corpses from other parishes for burial at the church.  The houses round the bridge are a converted brewery and it is thought the name comes from Francis Birkbeck a brewer.

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