Chasing Waterfalls

I took a short trip out to our local market town of West Malling today and was going to attempt to get some street shots but then I remembered this wonderfully picturesque waterfall (it's actually called The Cascade) that sits at the bottom of one of the main roads in the town, Swan Street, which I've always just taken for granted. It also has an artistic claim to fame in that it was painted by JMW Turner in 1791.
It's actually part of St Mary's Abbey, also known as Malling Abbey, which was founded as a community of Benedictine nuns circa 1090 by the Norman bishop and monk Gundulf of Rochester.
After its dissolution by Henry VIII it passed into secular ownership and by the mid 1700s the buildings had fallen into ruin until a London banker, with the fabulous name of Frazer Honeywood, built a Neo-gothic mansion and repaired the remaining fabric. In the late 19th Century ownership passed to a charitable trust and the abbey was restored to its original purpose.
The nuns have adopted a simple lifestyle with an emphasis on silent and isolated worship. Their quiet and contemplative way of life was threatened in 2019 when a housebuilder submitted plans to build dozens of homes next to the Abbey but thankfully the proposals were refused by planning inspectors.

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