Inadvertent love spoon

Today. February the fourteenth, is not only Valentine's Day but also the birthday of my second daughter, Hannah. She was thirty, today, which seems to have snuck up on me a bit.

To celebrate, the Minx and I picked her up at lunchtime and we all went over to Altrincham Market for lunch and a browse of the stalls. Hannah was, as ever, delightful company, and we had a happy couple of hours.

And in the evening, when Hannah went out with her friends, the Minx and I had a Valentine's dinner: chilli cooked by me at her request. We had exchanged presents in the morning, when she gave me this spoon for measuring out my coffee beans.

It transpired that the Minx was unaware of the Welsh tradition of love spoons, but I have accepted it as such a token, nonetheless.

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