
By pattons6

I'll pick my tea out mummy...

Well Grandma, does this bring back memories? Here I am in the kitchen with mummy behind me playing in the kitchen cupboard. I loved pulling out all the tins and packets. I particularly liked the custard. Mummy said she used to do this when she was little at Auntie Eileen's house but instead of leaving them behind she used to hide them in your bag. Not got that far yet but there is always tomorrow.

I was up and out today with mummy. We met up with grandma and grandad but I was a bit tired so was grumpy at lunch and wouldn't eat or take my medicine. I made up for it when I got home though. I ate 2 yogurts and had a bobo along with my medicine. Then played lots with daddy and mummy. It's daddy's last night shift tonight and tomorrow its his birthday. Oh more cake...hopefully I'll get some this time. If not I can play with all the paper.

Had my bath and now running round in my walker. Mummy is hopeful for a more peaceful night as my nose isn't as bad. She still putting snuffle balm in my tummy and chest though to help me as its at night it irritates me.

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