A MIMent In Time

By justmim


"Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag..."

Okay, not quite, but the lyric has been running through my mind today :)

With moving day(s) fast approaching and a weekend home coming up today really needed to be productive on the packing front. So having scrubbed the kitchen and taken photographs of the tidied rooms for our landlord it was time to get on to just that...packing!

Lots of progress has been made, so now it's really just the remainder of my clothes, most of my kitchen stuff, the bedding currently on my bed and a few odds & ends that need packed. Now able to feel a lot more relaxed about it all :)

As the bulk of my stuff will need to be moved using public transport I have tried to be fairly resourceful with my packing materials...most recently this included packing my drinks glasses into my lunch bag with tea towels for padding!

Although...I still need to work out what I'm going to do with all the food I have left - this could definitely be the challenge...

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