Edging and Tits

Finally got around to edging the lawn from the water butt to the extension. Been meaning to do it for ages. It's not easy though, the edging stuff comes in a roll which is the devil itself to unroll and get straight. I could have done with a few more pegs but managed to straighten the dodgy bits by packing the soil front and back.
The other one is of a lovely pair of tits on the trellis fencing. I did take some more of them when they were picking around in the Aubretia but the best one is in the EXTRA section, and it has it's back to us.
The other EXTRA is the Blackbird digging up my newly growing grass for it's nest. I tried to get a good one of the actual nest building but there was too much reflection on the windows. I don't begrudge it a bit of grass though, as long as she lets us take some photos of the baby blackbirds.

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