Big long walk Sunday

Went on a big long walk this morning. 9.34 miles to be precise. We walked to Lelant through the fields and lanes and then came back via the  beaches and coastal path.

We both like going on big long walks but this afternoon we've been so tired that we've just frittered the afternoon away snoozing. It never ceases to amaze Ann how different I am from MollyCollie. If Molly had been on a big long walk she'd be ready to go on another one 5 mins later. I've been lying flaked out since we came home about 3 hours ago and I know that Ann is going to wake me up and make me go in the field for toileting purposes soon because she's going out in a hour or so.

Oh well, ho hum, I suppose at least I'll be able to have some uninterrupted snooze time this evening.

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