
By KCNQ2Haiku

To the woods..

Making new patterns,
but still Sundays in the woods,
with a dog in tow.

We're starting to work out how to fit the dog into our routines, it's a bit slow to work out, as he's still growing and his needs are changing but he's getting much more used to the walks now and things are starting to make sense.  I'm also finding that he quite likes being left for short periods, to just have a bit of peace!  Ben has been OK today, he is still a bit tired, possibly after his cold last week or his medication that we're tweaking a bit.  We had a nice walk in the woods after lunch, you can see how happy Ben was to find a Big Stick (log).  He is funny with sticks, he's obviously part dog!  Although in fairness, the dog is more about leaves and brambles.  My dad says his poodle pup used to chew blackberry brambles too and that they decided in the end that it was a teething thing because it resolved as he grew up.  Watch this space..  There's not much more news, I have been watching the Dog House on channel 4, it's so sweet how they try to match dogs with the right humans!  I also cleaned the bathroom and there was some cursory hoovering which I subsequently ruined by walking over the kitchen floor in my walking boots :-/ 
Right, Ben want to play doctors, so I'm off.

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