Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Derelict Sunday

My second bit of dereliction this week and thanks to Marlieske for providing some inspiration with the weekly challenge. Hubs and I took Jax to a campground for a snifari walk this afternoon (woods and fields so many great smells). While we were wandering, I happened to spot the rusted rack in a grill in one of the campsites - always a fan of rusty things, I snapped a few shots. Then did a bit of faffing to amp up the rust.

Had a nice long FT chat with mom and dad this morning. They are embarking on a kitchen rehab in their condo, something not for the faint of heart, although it sounds like it’s going to be really nice.

I took my first drive in the new car today and must say it’s a very nice ride. All the electronic gadgetry is a bit overwhelming but I’m sure it will all make sense eventually. And my Hubs (who hates being a passenger) didn’t let out a single shriek while I was driving!

I finished off the last 2 squares of dark with almonds and sea salt today - it was excellent.


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