twinned with trumpton


More OT / MOTD before embarking on another 10 mile meander to keep the dog amused.

There were no particularly imminent 16s so I managed to walk to the outer limits of Leith before grabbing a bus to the Shore and then striking out past the graffiti wall, the Links and out to Seafield to catch Alex's game of football against V of L. Dottie and Loki renewed their friendship and after a 4-0 cuffing (all goals scored whilst defensive lynchpin Alex was off the park...) I went further eastwards to Porty to catch up with Baz and Brodie (Logan was left at home). Although the tide was in, we still managed a decent wander before I headed off for home via town on a 26. There was a distinct lack of homeward bound buses so I made it to the Botanics before a 27 eased us nearer home. 

Again I reprised the work  / fitba interface for a couple of hours and then food for all before a restful evening - Loki is on his back;  feet in the air, occasionally yelping in his sleep as he dreams the evening away.

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