Wishes And Stuff And Things

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

This is a special picture for me. It's from exactly one year ago, at Ellie's wedding.

She literally ONLY JUST put her pictures from that day on her Facebook page. Looking at them again made me so happy, it was such a lovely day.

Caro was not in the best way. Her RA was at its very worst. She had to use a walking stick and was in pain all day. Plus the medication made her too tired. She loved the ceremony and she loves Ellie, and we spent the day with Craig and Shenée. 

But she couldn't enjoy it as much as she would have liked. 

The past year has been kinder. She still struggles with her illness and I don't want to minimise it. But she does seem a lot happier and the pain less. She hasn't used a stick in months, and while the fatigue is still an issue, she doesn't let it stop her. 

As for me, I look at this picture and see how lucky I am. We are a good couple. The look on our faces in this impromptu picture shows it clearly. 

One year on, I wish AJ and Ellie all the happiness we have, and many pictures like this. 

I can't imagine anything better than that. 


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