By 28DegreesNorth


A busy day today tidying up the house as we are off to our other home in the Canaries tomorrow. A quick shot of one of my tulips before they went out for recycling. 
Earlier I transferred some money from a varied interest rate to a fixed one but the money first had to be transferred back to my bank account and out again. I dread doing this now as you get the endless questions from the fraud team at the bank. The lady I spoke to today was even more thorough than usual with questions including what age will you be on your next birthday. I know they have to do this to protect people from fraud but how is it that people still get refunded by the banks when they send money to scammers. I had to agree that I wouldn’t get my money back if I was being asked to send the money fraudulently. We got there eventually. I have been putting off doing this for some time as I knew what it would involve. 

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