Sunrays, Stormy Days

A better day than yesterday, only because it was dry.  It was a cloudy morning, and some sunny spells in the afternoon.  Gales blowing all day, about force 10, calming tonight. 

Day off and up early.  A morning getting on with chores, even got a load of washing out on the line.  Walkies with Sammy and popped by Madeline's.  An afternoon around the house, and more walkies.  Met Laura at mam's this evening, to have a cuppa and keep Bandit company, although he wasn't pleased to see the dogs!  More walkies and now feet up.

A fierce day of wind, I could barely stand up in the wind, but I headed out for some wave watching.  I headed into a field, and with the ground soaking wet, I slipped. It was at that point I decided not to bother going anywhere near a cliff edge.  I watched the power of the waves from a safe distance, with the sunrays breaking through the clouds.  Taken at Clett, Hamnavoe, Burra. 

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